
Showing posts from 2024

Looking for real life !

     A lthough I am French I was born in Baden-Baden, Germany. I spent a good part of my childhood in Africa, especially in Cameroon and Togo. I was raised in a traditional Catholic family: mass every Sunday, catechism, sacraments, the works. When my family moved back to France I lost all interest in religion because one of my friends, an atheist, made fun of me. I stopped going to church. After all, I reasoned, I never had understood what the priest was saying.   I am with Michel, our driver in Douala (Cameroon) I apprenticed as a cabinetmaker and worked at that profession until it was time for military service. In 1968 while in the French army I made some friends who were into studying philosophy. They asked questions that I had never thought about: Why am I here? Where did I come from? Why are men wicked? Why is there suffering? Where do you go after you die? I began reading books by existentialists who encourage people to ask questions (a good thing) but never offer answers (which


Proverbs 15 v 31: "He who listens to the warnings of life has his place among the wise." In Greek: EKKLESIA - Assembly, community, congregation, gathering, meeting... In the Bible, this word never refers to an earthly building. Doctrine: Matthew 16 v 18 - The Lord Jesus Christ is its architect, builder, foundation and owner. The universal church is his work and his property. Analogy with the temple of Jerusalem: David had given the plan and some materials to his Son Solomon who had the temple built. Mat 18 v 20: "For where two or three are assembled in my name, I AM in the midst of them." This is a nice definition of the local assembly. On the other hand, if He is out, it's serious. See Revelation 3 v 20 where the Lord is out instead of being in the middle. 1 Corinthians 12 v 12 - 13 - It is compared to a body, each disciple is a member, and Jesus is its head (same word as leader). It is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that we become a member of the cong