
Events of the end times . 1. Removal of the church: 1 Corinthians 15 v 51 to 53 - 1 Thessalonians 4 v 15 to 17. This is the event that every authentic Christian (born again) looks forward to, while sowing the gospel among all peoples. But we don't know the day or the time... Maranatha! 2. World reign of the anti-Christ (the beast): 2 Thessalonians 2 v 3 to 12 - Revelation 13. Global totalitarian dictatorship. The devil will arouse his "messiah" and establish his kingdom all over the earth. (The Greek word 'anti' means: against, or, pretending to be). Total control of politics and the economy. The single and obligatory religion will be the worship of Satan, his "Christ", and his image. Satan will finally realize his dream: To be worshipped by all men. 3. Return (Parousia) of Jesus Christ to the earth: Zacharias 12 v 9 and 10 - Za 14 v 1 to 5. Last attempt to exterminate Israel. Repentance and national conversion of the elected survivors of Isra...