The couple according to the Bible

Genesis 1 v 26 to 28: The image of GOD. The union between a man and a woman, united for life on the basis of love. "Then God says: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and that he dominates over the fish of the sea, over the birds of heaven, over the cattle, over all the earth, and over all the reptiles that crawl on the earth. God created man in his image, he created him in the image of God, he created man and woman. God blesses them, and God said to them: Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subjugate it; and dominate over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and any animal that moves on the earth. »

Ge 2 v 18 - 24: The Unity of the Couple: Spirit, Soul, and Body (see Philippians 2 v 2 to 5). "The Lord God says, "It is not good that man is alone; I will give him a similar help to him... This is why the man will leave his father and mother, and attach himself to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Help is the same word as in Psalm 70 v 6 or Ps 32 v 20.
Deuteronomy 22 v 13 to 21: (Luke 1 v 26).

 Virginity before marriage according to the law of Moses. "If a man, who has taken a woman and went to her, then feels aversion to his person, if he imputes criminal things to her and damages her reputation, saying: I took this woman, I approached her, and I did not find her vierg e, then the young woman's father and mother will take the signs of her virginity and produce them in front of the elders of the city, at the door. The young woman's father will say to the elders:

I gave my daughter as my wife to this man, and he took her into dislike; he blames her for criminal things, saying, "I have not found your virgin daughter. Now here are the signs of my daughter's virginity. And they will unfurl his garment in front of the city elders. The elders of the city will then seize this man and punish him and, because he has damaged the reputation of a virgin of Israel, they will fine him with a hundred sicles of money, which they will give to the young woman's father. She will remain his wife, and he will not be able to send her back, as long as he lives... »

Deut 24 v 5: Peace during the first year of marriage. "When a man is newly married, he will not go to the army, and no charge set will be imposed on him; he will be exempted for family reason for a year, and he will rejoice the woman he took. »
Proverb 17 v 1: "Better a piece of dry bread, with peace, than a house full of meat, with quarrels."     If this is the case, you must ask for help before the disaster.
Proverb 19 v 14: "You can inherit from your fathers a home and wealth, but an intelligent woman is a gift from the Lord."

Prov 20 v 7: "The righteous works in its integrity; Happy his children after him! »
Prov 23 v 24-25: "The father of righteousness is in joy, He who gives birth to a wise will have joy. May your father and mother rejoice, may the one who gave birth to you be in joy! »

Malachi 2 v 16: "For I hate repudiation," said the Lord, the God of Israel, and the one who covers his garment with violence, said the Lord of the armies. So beware of your mind and don't act treacherous! »

1 Corinthians 7 v 3 to 7: "Let the husband give back to his wife what he owes him, and let the wife do the same to her husband.  The woman has no authority over her own body, but it is the husband; and similarly, the husband has no authority over his own body, but it is the wife. Do not deprive yourself of each other, if not by mutual agreement for a time, in order to go to prayer; then go back together, lest Satan tempt you with your incontinence.  I say this out of condescension, I do not make an order.  I would like all men to be like me; but each one takes from God a particular gift, one in one way, the other in another. Marriage is a gift, but so is celibacy.

Ephesians 5 v 22 to 28: Love, submission, trust. Marriage reflects the glory of GOD. Human marriage is an image of marriage between CHRIST and the church. "Women, be submissive to your husbands, as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the woman, as Christ is the head of the Church, which is his body, and of which he is the Savior. Just as the Church is subject to Christ, so must women be subject to their husbands in all things. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church, and gave himself up for her, in order to sanctify her by word, having purified her by the baptism of water, in order to make appear before him this glorious Church, without blemishes, wrinkles, or anything similar, but holy and incomprehensible. This is how husbands must love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. »

Philippians 2 v 1 to 5: The couple's unit. "If there is, therefore, some consolation in Christ, if there is any relief in charity, if there is some union of spirit, if there is some compassion and some mercy, make my joy perfect, having the same feeling, the same love, the same soul, the same thought . Do nothing out of party spirit or vain glory, but may humility make you look at others as being above yourself. Let each of you, instead of considering your own interests, also consider those of others. Have in you the feelings that were in Jesus Christ. »

Colossians 3 v 12 to 17: Unconditional love. Knowing how to ask forgiveness. "So, like God's elect, holy and beloved, you are ensaved in the bowels of mercy, goodness, humility, gentleness, patience. Support each other, and if one is about complaining about the other, forgive each other. Just as Christ has forgiven you, forgive yourself too. But above all these things do you take on charity, which is the bond of perfection.  And that the peace of Christ, to which you have been called to form a single body, reigns in your hearts. And be grateful. 
May the word of Christ dwell among you abundantly; educate and exhort one another in all wisdom, through psalms, hymns, spiritual hymns, singing to God in your hearts under the inspiration of grace. And whatever you do, in word or in action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, by giving by him thanksgiving to God the Father. »

Read the Bible as a couple. These passages are generally applied to church life, but they can also be applied to the couple.

Hebrews 13 v 4: It is good to pray together before bed. "May marriage be honored by all, and the marital bed free of defilement, for God will judge the shameless and adulterers."
1 Peter 3 v 7: The husband must take care of his wife. "Husbands, show wisdom in your dealings with your wives, as with a weaker person, honor them, as if you should also inherit with you the grace of life. Let it be so, so that nothing will stand in the way of your prayers. »

Revelation 19 v 7-8: The heavenly marriage between the Lord Jesus and his Church. "Let us rejoice and be in joy, and give it glory; for the lamb's nuptials came, and his wife prepared, and he was given to wear a fine linen, bright, pure. For fine linen is the righteous works of the saints. »

The Lord Jesus will soon come to pick up his fiancée and take her to the wedding.
The book "The Languages of Love" suggests 5 ways to show someone that you love them: 1- Valuable words. 2- Gifts. 3- Services. 4- Physical contact. 5- Quality moments.

What do you think?

  1. Who instituted marriage?
  1. Why do all the peoples of the Earth marry?
  1. Are you still under the influence of the world's thinking about marriage?
  1. What does marriage mean?
  1. Are you sure you are part of Christ's wife?


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