The greatest drama in history

The good news without the bad news is not news at all

Genesis Ch 3 is unique in the world because it gives us coherent answers to the fundamental questions we ask ourselves: What is the origin of the evil ? Where does the suffering come from ? Why are we dying ?

Please open your Bible in the book of Genesis, in chapter 3

Genesis 2 v 16: "The Lord God gave this order to man: You may eat from all the trees in the garden, but you will not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for the day you eat it, you will surely die."

The fall of our parents in 6 steps:

Genesis 3 v 1: The serpent sows doubt of the Word of God in the heart of the woman.

V 2 and 3: The woman tries to get by alone by talking with the snake, her husband does not protect her.

V 4 and 5: The Devil who speaks through the serpent reverses God's plan.

V 6a: She looks at the tree and lets herself be seduced, instead of asking for help from God and Adam.

V 6b: It takes forbidden fruit, it is the act.

V 6c: She brings down her husband, who has no resistance.

(Adam died spiritually (separated from God) the day he ate the forbidden fruit.

The process of physical death began in Adam's body, and this is included in "THE DAY you eat it, you will die."

The 4 Lies of Satan: 1 - "Did God really say... He denies God's authority. (3 v 1)

2 - "You will not die... He denies eternal death. (3 v 4)

3 - "You will be like God... He asserts that man is of a divine nature. (3 v 5)

4 – «... knowing right and wrong. He affirms that man has divine knowledge. (3 v 5)

6 immediate consequences:

V 7a: Their eyes open, and they become aware of their nudity, losing their innocence.

V 7b: They cover each other. This is the first attempt at self-justification (hi by the works).

V 8: They hide because they have a bad conscience.

V 10: They are afraid of God. (All our fears are consequences of the sin of our ancestors).  

V 12: Adam accuses his wife instead of repenting, he flees his responsibility.

V 13: She accuses the snake instead of repenting.

God says 6 things to Satan:

V 14: 1st Curse. 2nd Walk on her belly (genetic mutation). 3rd Eating Dust.

V 15: 4th Enmity with the woman. 5th With his posterity (Christ). 6th Final Defeat.

God says 6 things to women:

V 16: 1st Increased Suffering. 2nd Multiplication of Pregnancy. 3rd Painful Birth. 4th Dependence of the husband. 5th Man will dominate it. 6th Physical Death (19).

God says 6 things to man:

V 17: 1st The ground is cursed. 2nd The living conditions are going to be tough.

V 18: 3rd Soil will produce thorns and brambles (genetic mutations). 4th We'll have to cultivate the land.

V 19: 5th Sweat and fatigue. 6th Physical Death.

God's Promise: Chapter 3 v 15 is the first biblical prophecy:

The seed (posterity) of the woman, that is, Jesus Christ will defeat the devil, but will leave his life there. This prophecy was developed by almost all the prophets of the ancient covenant to announce the coming of the savior.

And finally:

V 20: Adam calls his wife EVE (Life), when he has just been sentenced to death.

V 21: God dresses them in animal skin while waiting for the Messiah, this is the first sacrifice. 

V 22: The path of the Tree of Life is blocked, out of love for us.

V 23: Expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

Here are some questions:

1. Why did God place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden?

2. What should Eve have done not to fall?

3. What should Adam have done to not be seduced?

4. Are Satan's methods still relevant?

5. Quote a dozen of the current consequences of the fall?

6. In your opinion, did death exist before the sin of Adam and Eve?

7. How long has it been since this event?

8. What are the sheets with which they covered themselves?

9. What does the skin with which God covered them represent?

10. Why did God block access to the tree of life?


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