
Showing posts from 2023

Let there be the truth





How old is Planet Earth? This is an important question. In 1862, *Thompson said the earth was 20 million years old. In 1897, he doubled it to 40 million. Two years later, *J. Joly said it was 90 million. *Rayleigh, in 1921, upped it to 1 billion. Eleven years later, *W.O. Hotchkiss moved the figure up to 1.6 billion. *A Holmes in 1947, decided it was 3.35 billion; and, in 1956, raised it to 4.5 billion. Just now, it stands at 5 billion. But what do scientific facts tell us? They declare that our planet is only a few thousand years old. Here are scientific facts to prove it. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts. INTRODUCTION How old is our world? This is an important question; even though long ages of time are not a proof of evolution, the evolutionists admit that, without long ages, their peculiar theories could not succeed. It is theorized that the evolutionary age of the universe is 15 billion years, and the evoluti...

Why should I save sex for marriage?

  When God creates something, He creates it with purpose and design . The Genesis account of creation makes it clear that God’s creation is “good” ( Genesis 1:31 ). But mankind has a history of distorting what God has made, whether out of ignorance or just plain stubbornness. The golden calf ( idol ) of the Israelites , for example. Gold is beautiful to look at, but God clearly did not want His people worshipping it. Sex (and yes, sex was God’s idea) is no different. God created it, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that it is good. But when man distorts it by ignoring God’s specific standards, it becomes harmful and destructive. So the question we’ve asked “why save sex for marriage” is really a question of understanding God’s purpose and design for sex. We can choose to do things God’s way, and experience the beauty of His plan, or we can choose to do things our way, and experience harm and destruction ( Proverbs 16:25 ). So, l...

Yes GOD is good !


Under what conditions may Christians divorce and remarry?

    In earlier generations, this question was very seldom raised, simply because divorce was almost never encountered among Christians and was unusual even in the general population. Today, however, it has become a very real problem in evangelical Christian circles. Infidelity is no longer rare, even among Christian leaders, and one can hear almost weekly of some new pastoral “affair” and its traumatic effect on his church. With such examples in the leadership, it is bound to be even more common among the ordinary members, and the resulting decline in the stability of the Christian home today is surely one of the more alarming signs of the times. In the past, attempts to deal with this question on a Biblical basis have tended to be somewhat academic, probably because the very idea of divorce was so alien to the expositor's own experiences. Nowadays, however, since the tragedy of divorce has spread so widely that almost every C...