The greatest drama in history The good news without the bad news is not news at all Genesis Ch 3 is unique in the world because it gives us coherent answers to the fundamental questions we ask ourselves: What is the origin of the evil ? Where does the suffering come from ? Why are we dying ? Please open your Bible in the book of Genesis, in chapter 3 Genesis 2 v 16: "The Lord God gave this order to man: You may eat from all the trees in the garden, but you will not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for the day you eat it, you will surely die." The fall of our parents in 6 steps: Genesis 3 v 1: The serpent sows doubt of the Word of God in the heart of the woman. V 2 and 3: The woman tries to get by alone by talking with the snake, her husband does not protect her. V 4 and 5: The Devil who speaks through the serpent reverses God's plan. V 6a: She looks at the tree and lets herself be seduced, instead of asking for help from God and Adam. ...